Tree Service in the Greater Atlanta Area.doc


When one inspects a tree for damage and possible cutting back or removal, there are several factors to be considered. Some of these are:


  • roots that may be lifted from the soil, indicating an imbalanced tree, ie, one that is in imminent danger of falling;
  • tree exhibiting internal damage, signified by large hollows, branch dieback, or cracks in the tree's main body or trunk;
  • “girdling” roots that grow around the base of a tree, possibly limiting nutrient passage to the upper tree from its branching roots within the surrounding earth;
  • trees that tilt suddenly, without warning; and
  • mushrooms or fungal growth around the base of the tree that may indicate significant internal decay.


Although there may be other signs of tree damage, it is important, indeed, vital, that one gets the trees on one's property properly investigated and assessed for major structural damage.


If a tree is already dead, then its removal should be made a priority since the longer the dead wood is left standing, the more likely it is to be blown over during a hurricane, storm, or another, unforeseen weather-related or environmental, natural or manmade, event.


Sometimes, the main tree may be healthy, but there may be branches that require removal because they present an imminent threat to landscape elements such as a fences or gazebos, or to architectural features and structures, including residences.


Because it is not always obvious when a tree requires servicing, a licensed arborist ought to be consulted in all cases of suspected tree damage or illness. In fact, it is good practice to have an arborist perform regular maintenance inspections of the trees on one's property. The arborist will inspect all trees thoroughly and provide a prognosis to the owner for any tree which is in need of any further care. All too often, by the time a tree exhibits obvious signs of decay, it is already in rather serious trouble.


That is why it is important to contact a service dedicated to tree care. A servicing agent is more effective if they are able to provide a licensed arborist who can give the tree's likelihood of failure and death, as well as provide the removal or trimming services required, eliminating any lag time between the prognosis and the treatment. General landscape contractors are often ill-equipped to service large or sick trees. Therefore, dedicated tree services are often contracted for this specialized work.


Since trees do not exist in isolation, consideration should be given to the tree's surrounding landscape and any architectural elements near the tree which may be affected by the method of the tree's possible removal or any necessary treatment of the tree. Cranes, grapplers, and even a helicopter may be necessary to protect everything around the tree while it is being removed or serviced.


It is helpful if the service provider taking care of the tree has extensive knowledge of local ordinances and has developed relationships with relevant insurance companies and local government inspectors, and knows how to fill out the necessary paperwork required for significant tree work.


If a tree requires removal, it is a good idea to plant a new tree in its place. Tree services who remove trees ought to be able to make recommendations and provide planting services to the tree's owner for an experience that begins with a damaged or sick tree, and ends with a healthy, vibrant tree, whether it is the same tree after extensive care, or a new tree that is enabled to establish itself in the old tree's stead.


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